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 Personal ethics

       Esperamos que os professores de canto ajam de maneira profissional e ética na representação de their skills and in their publicity and promotion materials, and that they conduct themselves in a way that has a positive impact on the category. Thus, it is up to the members of the category:


1. Act honestly, in a dignified and professional manner, and with compatible and duly documented qualifications. This evidence may include academic and non-academic degrees, awards, professional affiliations, and teaching and professional experience.


2. Always seek to teach with competence, demonstrating knowledge of general musical aspects, vocal pedagogy, mastery of the styles taught, as well as performance skills.


3. Honor your responsibility to achieve and maintain the highest level of professional competence, striving to maintain knowledge in relation to vocal pedagogy (informed and creative pedagogy). This knowledge can be acquired in specific training at institutions, universities, conservatories, etc.


4. Participate in PROCANTO as well as in its activities, which will also include training and training for singing teachers.


5. Be aware of applicable laws and regulations in our country, especially those dealing with copyright and labor laws. They should not encourage non-compliance with their determinations.


6. Behave responsibly and ethically when using print, social or digital media associated with your profession and your workplace.


7. They must not plagiarize or encourage plagiarism of content from their peers or associated professionals.


8. Honor your responsibility to the public by promoting social understanding of the profession and providing informed and accurate information in all communications involving any aspect of your work.


9. Members must be an artistic resource and reference for their communities.


      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-58d6 Ethics towards students


      We hope that singing teachers foster excellence and learning in a dignified and professional environment and that there is no: discrimination by any type (racial/ethnic, social origin, gender, sexuality, beliefs, among others), moral, sexual or physical harassment, innuendo or favoritism. Thus, it is up to the members of the category:


1. Avoid any and all types of discrimination, considering the legal provisions in force.


2. Provide a safe learning environment, maintaining limits on personal, psychological and emotional contact with students, thus also avoiding moral harassment. This environment should inhibit insinuations that could be seen as sexual harassment, even in situations where the student himself encourages or requests such an interaction.


3. Respect the personal and private integrity of students, not providing confidential information, unless an academic or legal system requires disclosure.


4. Communicate and comply with rules and expectations regarding the work environment in a clear, accurate and timely manner, maintaining the appropriate physical environment in terms of cleanliness, sanitation and organization.


5. In the case of a virtual work environment, strive to provide the most appropriate conditions possible for this type of teaching, as well as facilitate the use of these tools by students.


6. Establish, maintain and terminate (when applicable) your relationship with the student in a respectful and professional manner.


7. Encourage transparency between all parties involved when the student wants to seek instruction from any faculty of his/her choice, including simultaneous study with other professionals.


8. Provide the best instruction and career advice to all students under your supervision, and treat each student impartially and respectfully, taking into account differences in skills, learning styles, and motivation.


9. Avoid exaggerated or misleading statements regarding professional career prospects in music that the student may have, or obtain. They must not guarantee favorable performances, professional positions or contacts unless they have the sine qua non conditions to fulfill the promises.


10. Honor their responsibility to maintain the well-being of the people they serve professionally, embracing diversity and inclusion and ensuring access, dissemination and promotion of the teaching and learning of lyrical singing.

      C. Ethics towards colleagues


    We hope that there will be an environment of mutual support and support among the teachers and also in the relationship with other associated professionals. Thus, it is up to the members of the category:


1. Avoid making false statements and judgments or defaming other colleagues, both verbally and in writing.


2. In auditions and competitions, judge fairly and honestly. If they cannot act in such a way, let them refuse to participate.


3. Strive to work in cooperation, transparency and in a multidisciplinary team in the event of the participation of any other professional with your student (for medical, technical, artistic, pedagogical reasons, etc.).


4. Observe rules and regulations of accredited academic institutions in case they take precedence over this Code of Ethics.


5. If ethical conflicts arise between the members and/or organizers of this code, dialogue directly with each other to resolve issues between the parties involved. If the conflict persists, the interested parties must refer to the Association.


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CNPJ: 44658988/0001-56


TRAVESSA ANDRE CALMETTES, 6, Vila Nivi, São Paulo, SP, CEP : 02251040

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